function [maxFlow, Flow]= FordFulkerson(EdgeList,EdgeWgts, Flow) %[maxFlow, Flow]= FordFulkerson(EdgeList,EdgeWgts,Flow) %program for applying the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for finding the maximal %flow in a directed wieghted nework. The program follows Algorithm 9.13 in %the book; an efficient implementation of Edmonds and Karp. %Inputs: EdgeList = 2-row matrix of directed edges. Vertices are numbered from 1 (source) %to n+2(sink) with the numbers in between being transit vertices. %EdgeWgts = column vector of corresponding weights (edge capacities). %Flow = (optional input) initial flow; should be admissible. If none is %specified, the zero flow will be used initially. %Outputs: maxFlow = positive number representing maximum network flow. %Flow = column vector for an admissible flow with total flow = maxFlow %It is assumed that the edge weights are positive integers. numVer = max(max(EdgeList)); %number of vertices in flow network %Begin with zero flow if none is specified: if nargin <3 Flow =zeros(size(EdgeWgts)); end %Assuming the inputted flow is admissible, we initialize maxFlow variable %to be the value of the initial flow: a = find(EdgeList(:,1)==1); % a = indices of edges flowing from s maxFlow=sum(Flow(a)); %Vertex labelling scheme: %The source vertex (vertex #1) will have label [0, +1, Inf] %All other vertices will adhere to the following labelling scheme: %label(i) = [j, +/-1, f], %where j is the parent vertex from which vertex i was scanned, %if the augmented graph edge that resulting in scanning vertex i from %vertex j was a forward edge, the second component is +1, if it was a %backward edge, the second component is -1. The third component is the %minimum of the third component of Label(j) and the excess capacity (if the %scan used a foward edge), or the flow (if the scan used a backward edge) %on the augmented digraph edge that led to Label(j). Label(1,:) = [0 1 Inf]; %Initialize flag = 0; for main while loop. Flag will be set = 1 when max flow is found. flag = 0; %begin main while loop while flag == 0 %max flow not yet found %Step 2: Initialize Vectors UnscannedVertices = [1]; UnlabeledVertices = [2:numVer]; %Step 3: Scan and Label while length(UnscannedVertices) > 0 & ismember(numVer,UnlabeledVertices) v = UnscannedVertices(1); %pop a vertex for scanning f = Label(v,3); %flow capacity up to v ULVertexIndex = 1; for w = UnlabeledVertices a = find(EdgeList(:,1)==v & EdgeList(:,2)==w); %a = edge index of edge from v to (if this edge is in network, %otherwise a will be empty matrix b = find(EdgeList(:,1)==w & EdgeList(:,2)==v); if ~isempty(a) & EdgeWgts(a) > Flow(a) Label(w,:) =[v 1 min(f,EdgeWgts(a) - Flow(a))]; UnlabeledVertices(ULVertexIndex) = []; %delete w from unlabelled vertices ULVertexIndex = ULVertexIndex - 1; UnscannedVertices = [UnscannedVertices w]; %append w to unscanned vertices elseif ~isempty(b) & Flow(b) > 0 & v ~= 1 %& w ~= numVer --don't need, loop will exit before t is scanned Label(w,:) =[v -1 min(f,Flow(b))]; UnlabeledVertices(ULVertexIndex) = []; %delete w from unlabelled vertices ULVertexIndex = ULVertexIndex - 1; UnscannedVertices = [UnscannedVertices w]; %append w to unscanned vertices end ULVertexIndex = ULVertexIndex + 1; end UnscannedVertices(1) = []; end if ismember(numVer,UnlabeledVertices) %sink vertex could not be labelled, therefore flow is maximum flag = 1; end %Step 4: Augmenting the flow (if flow is not max) if flag == 0 %Flow augmentation vertex = numVer; %start with sink vertex and backtrack extraFlow = Label(vertex,3); while vertex > 1 %backtrack until we get to source if Label(vertex,2)>0 %forward edge leading to vertex %need edge number: %Forward edge a = find(EdgeList(:,1)==Label(vertex,1) & EdgeList(:,2)==vertex); Flow(a) = Flow(a) + extraFlow; else %backward edge going from vertex %need edge number: a = find(EdgeList(:,1)==vertex & EdgeList(:,2)==Label(vertex,1)); Flow(a) = Flow(a) - extraFlow; end vertex = Label(vertex,1); end maxFlow = maxFlow + extraFlow; end Flow; clear Label Label(1,:) = [0 1 Inf]; end