function MillerRabinTestEnhanced(n, k) % y = MillerRabinTestEnhanced(n, k) % Inputs: an odd integer n > 3, and a positive integer k: Program will apply the % Miller-Rabin Enhanced Primality Test (Algorithm 8.4). % The second input variable k is optional % (default value is 1). The program will indicate that n was found to be % composite, if at least one of the k tests has found n to be composite, % and that n is probably prime, in case all of the tests were inconclusive % (meaning, informally, they all found n to be probably prime). In cases % that n is found composite, the witness a, along with the corresponding % exponent parameters [j m], that resulted in the composite conclusion will also %be outputted, or a nontrivial prime factor, in case one is detected. %CAUTION: This program does not have symbolic functionality, the analogous %program that has is is named as MillerRabinTestEnhancedSym if nargin < 2, k = 1; end %first we determine the largest power f of 2 that divides n - 1: f = 0; while floor((n-1)/2^(f+1)) == (n-1)/2^(f+1) f = f + 1; end m = (n-1)/2^f; for Test = 1:k flag = 0; %will be reset to 1 if Test finds n probably prime a = ceil((n - 3)*rand) + 1;%randomly generate a in range 1 < a < n - 1 A = FastExp(a,m,n); if A == 1 | A == n - 1 %n is declared probably prime; for this particular test, %go on to new test. flag = 1; else for j = 1:f-2 newA = mod(A^2,n); if newA == 1 %n is proved composite; output nontrivial factor, and exit program fprintf('Inputted integer was proved composite using the Miller-Rabin test.\r') fprintf('Here is a corresponding nontrivial factor: \r') gcd(A,n) return elseif newA == n-1 %n is declared probably prime; for this particular test, %go on to new test. flag = 1; break %out of j for loop end oldA = A; A = newA; end if flag == 0 %n has not yet been declared probably prime (or composite) A = mod(A^2,n); %this is a^(n-1)/2 if A ~= n-1 & A ~= 1 fprintf('Inputted integer was proved composite using the Miller-Rabin test.\r') fprintf('Here is a corresponding witness: \r') a fprintf('The corresponding exponent paramters for 2^j*m are [j m]=:\r') [k-1 m] return %in case A == 1, can get a nontrivial factor as above: elseif A == 1 fac1 = gcd(n, oldA); fprintf('A nontrivial factor of the inputted integer has been found to be:\r') fac1 return else flag = 1; %don't really need this %n is declared probably prime for this particular test, %go on to new test. end end end end %If the program has not yet exited, this means that all k tests resulted in %a probable prime conclusion, so this will be the overall conclusion. fprintf('Inputted integer n is declared probably prime after %d applications\r', k) fprintf('of the Miller-Rabin test.\r') function c = FastExpSym(a,b,n) % c = FastExpSym(a,b,n) % Modification of my ModInv function (using my gcdSym function) that % has symbolic functionality. % Input: a, b, < n positive integers, n = the modulus % Output: c = a^b (mod n) % Program uses the fast exponentiation method to calculate c = a^b (mod n). % Beginning with factor = a^1: % on each pass, it is determined whether this is a desired factor. If so, then % it is multiplied into a variable containing a cumulative product of desired % factors. Then the factor is squared, and the process repeated. exp = b; c = ones(size(a)); factor = a; while(exp ~= 0) if (mod(exp,2) == 1) c = mod(c .* factor,n); end exp = floor(exp/2); factor = mod(factor.*factor,n); end